des chaussettes are 'socks' in French.
"Eau des merveilles" would be translated "water from the marvels" in English.
"roi des ... (+ a plural noun)" means "king of ..." in French.
Its the name of a music group
Some Postcards
"Des ciseaux" in French translates to "scissors" in English.
des ciseaux are scissors in French.
Ciseau is a masculine, singular noun. Des ciseaux is plural and masculine.
scissors are called (une paire de ) ciseaux in French.
crocodile scissors?
Des ciseaux
Des ciseaux.
des ciseaux (masc., plural)
Scissors are called 'des ciseaux' in French.
Des ciseaux à ongles
les ciseaux (and in English, it's spelled SCISSORS)