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a crescendo,or cresc, for short is a symbol in a piece of music indicating to gradually get louder .a decrescendo means he opposite,to gradually get softer.

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a gradual increase in sound, often referring to music

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In music, cresc means crescendo. A crescendo marking on a piece of music indicates to the musician that they are to gradually get louder.

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A increase in pitch

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What does piu' cresc mean?

It means a very dramatic crescendo. piu' means more, and cresc is short for crescendo, meaning to gradually get louder

What cresc. mean in music?

a crescendo,or cresc, for short is a symbol in a piece of music indicating to gradually get louder .a decrescendo means he opposite,to gradually get softer.

What does p cresc. mean in music notation?

The "p" stands for "piano," a dynamic indicator meaning to play softly, and "cresc." is the abbreviation for "crescendo," which means to gradually increase in volume.

What does cresc. Molto mean in music?

wha I do not know what it means

What does dim mean in musical terms?

It is short for diminuendo, which means gradually getting quieter. The opposite of this is crescendo (gradually getting louder, and it is sometimes written as cresc.)

How do you know if a bar has a crescendo in it?

It will have a crescendo symbol below the measure, or say "cresc." above it.

What is Short term for crescendo?

The Short term for crescendo is "cresc". This may be repalced by an elongated "<".

Cresc poco a poco?

This is music terminology, and it is Italian, but it means get gradually louder little by little.

How could you put crescendo?

you can put cresc. above the stave or you can have an arrow (biggest end pointing to the right)

What Is The Italian Word For Cresc Poco a Poco?

The Italian term for "crescendo poco a poco" is "crescendo gradually."

What is a piano's 'cresc assai' when translated from Italian to English?

"Growing very much (louder)" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase cresc assai. The masculine singular gerund/noun and adverb represent the short form of crescendo assai in such music terminology's and theory's practical application as piano-playing. The pronunciation will be "KREY-shas-SEYE" for the short form and "krey-SHEN-do as-SEYE" for the long form in Italian.

What does a crescendo mean in a book?

crescendo is one of the musical dynamics which means gradually becoming louder. It can be abbreviated as cresc. or as a symbol that is synonymous with that of a less than sign. It can also be described as the upward stairway slope of soft dynamics such as piano, pianissimo etc. . to louder dynamics like fortessimo.