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disloyal people who desert a failing enterprise before its too late.

From Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms by Marvin Terban

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Q: What does Rats off the ship means?
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What is a four letter word for ship deserter?

rats "Rats deserting a sinking ship" is a cliche.

What is jumping a ship?

That means literally jumping off a ship.

What is another name for ship rats?

Bilge rats

How do you rewrite like rats on a sinking ship?

What exactly are you asking? Why would you want to rewrite it?Are you asking what the saying means?

How do the lighthouse keepers mans are finally rescued three skeleton key?

The three attendants' safety is threatened because the ship is teeming with ravenous rats.

Do rats drown?

definetely rats can swim how else could they leave a sinking ship

Could rats be Killed by the Black Plague?

Yes. In fact, When the Black Plague was unleashed into Europe, the rats, most times, would only choose humans as their victims only after they had infected and killed off most of the rats nearby, on a ship, etc.

Why did the black death typically show up at sea sports?

The black death was transmitted by fleas carried on rats. Conditions on ships were unhygienic during these times and so rats lived on ships to get scrap food. When a ship docked, some rats ran off the ship, carrying the infected fleas with them. the fleas then bit humans and the disease spread.

What is the meaning of disembark?

The act of disembarking.

How did the rats get on the island in the story Three Skeleton Key?

In the story "Three Skeleton Key," the rats were brought to the island by a ship that wrecked near the island's lighthouse. The ship was carrying a cargo of rats which escaped and found their way onto the island, leading to a terrifying invasion.

Which animal do sailors say desert a sinking ship?

Rats desert a sinking ship.

What does 'Rats desert a sinking ship' mean?

This idiom means that when things are going wrong, people will abandon a failing situation or person to protect themselves. Just as rats would leave a ship that is sinking to save themselves.