If the letters are capitalized, UK, that stands for the United Kingdom. If the letters are lower case, uk, it may stand for unknown.
It meansInternationalTextileCareLabellingCode
Letters that stand for parts of a name are called initials.
They can stand for the Equal Rights Amendment. They also stand for Earned Runs Average.
Post Meridian
R= Returned.S= Soldiers.A= Association.You're welcome.
RSA is a data-encryption technology utilizing prime factorization. Its name is derived from the developers who created it: Rivest, Shamir and Adelman.
Republic of South Africa
Republic of South Africa
DipRSA stands for diploma royal society of arts
RSA is a data-encryption technology utilizing prime factorization. Its name is derived from the developers who created it: Rivest, Shamir and Adelman.
Republic of South Africa.
The letters GIS stand for Geographical Information System.
If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.
The letters DO after a physician's name stand for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
What do letters on the inside of the pungent square stand gor