S- Stand T- Till O- Other P Pearson
The subject P.S.H.E.E+C stands for P ----- Personal S ----- Social H ----- Health E ----- Economic E ----- Education C ----- Citizenship
The P stands for Post and the M stand for Meridian.From the Latin, Post means after, and Meridian means midday (noon).So the abbreviation PM as it pertains to time stand for after-midday or afternoon.
A Pimp is an agent for p*********s. It does not stand for anything.
"G" in this context could stand for gravity, "p" could stand for pressure, and "s" could stand for speed. These are common scientific variables represented by these letters in equations and formulas.
5 sides of Pentagon
Physical Activity and Sports Studies P A S S
p () e exponents m * d division a + s -
P stand for purpose s stand for survey q stand for qustion & 5r stand is reding selectively, resciting, recording, reflecting and reviewing.
Edmund P. Dole has written: 'The stand-by' -- subject(s): Accessible book
WASP stands for "White Anglo Saxon Protestant".
SOAPSTONE stands for S- speaker O- occasion A- attitude P- purpose S- subject Tone
Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
6 pips in a Greenwich Time Signal