Dolce is pronounced as Dole-chay. Gabanna sounds like Ga (as in Ga Ga) and banna as in Anna with a b in front. Dole-chay Ga-banna.
Ganz (ga-anz) Ganz (Ga-anz)
O-kwa-ga-la-kwe is written like this to show the syllables in Chris Tomlin's song Love. It is actually Okwagala kwe. Okwagala means Love (to; each other) in Luganda, a language spoken in Uganda, Africa.
what does ga mean on bank statement
GA stands for gestational age.
I Understand
Assuming you mean from one to the other, it would be 225 miles.
What you typed isn't complete...but Kore(This) ga suki(Like) I... "like this"
GA is proablbly the makers mark or Sponsors mark as its known.
` The name "Lady Gaga" comes from the Queen song "Radio Ga-Ga"
Assuming you mean Duluth, GA: 2,619 Kms or 1,628 Miles
I am Kira.