TVR stands for: Team Validation Racing
National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR)
Retweet -- simply tweeting what someone else has tweeted.
The acronym SPARC stands for several things. Among them are Scalable Processor Architecture, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, Standards Planning And Requirements Committee, Support Personnel Accountability Report Card, Single Person Armed Racing Craft, and more.
The standard collective noun form cars is 'a fleet of cars'; however, there is no standard collective noun specifically for racing cars. Collective nouns are an informal part of language. Any noun that suits a situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a line of racing cars, a field of racing cars, a streak of racing cars, etc.
It stands for Flying Machine Factory
yes it should
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There are many places to buy racing parts in Portugal. Some places are pro-x which is ProX Racing parts and FMF racing. Another place to buy racing parts in Portugal is K&N filters.
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One can purchase an FMF exhaust system directly from FMF's website, or through another authorized retailer such as MotoSport or JC Motors. It is not recommended to buy an FMF exhaust from a secondary source, due to a lack of warranty coverage.
Vauxhall Racing
It stands for Racing Performance Machines.