The answer to this question is only useful for members of the organization itself and thus can be answered only to them. If you are worthy I wish you luck in membership. ANSWER: The words; Alpha, kappa, alpha, omega, upsilon are not words in a singular usage but in that they are leters in the Greek alphabet. Αα Alpha Κκ Kappa Αα Alpha Ωω Omega Υυ Upsilon
Alpha= beginning Omega=End
Zeta Greek Alphabet (spellings may be different) Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Moo Nu Z Omacron Pi Ro Sigma Ta Oopsalon Phi Ki Si Omega
Alpha means that you have more power than someone else... or that you're beast. ----------------------------------------------------------- "alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet - the equivalent of the letter "a". Therefore when used in conversation it is taken to mean the first or top of any sequence.
Omega is the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the Greek numeric system, it has a value of 800. The word literally means "great O" as opposed to Omicron, which means "little O". Omega is often used to denote the last, the end, or the ultimate limit of a set, in contrast to Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the New Testament book of Revelation, God is declared to be the "alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last".
Traditionally it's written: αληθως ανέστη with a breathing mark over the first alpha and a circumflex over the omega. (My keyboard isn't cooperating with accents at the moment.) Hope that helps.
Only members of Alpha Kappa Alpha are aware of their meaning.
If you would like to find out, become a member of the alpha kappa alpha sorority..Otherwise this information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL..
Pi Kappa Alpha (F)Alpha Phi (S)Alpha Kappa Alpha (S)Lambda Upsilon Lambda (F)Alpha Phi Omega (Co Ed)Kappa Delta Rho (F)Alpha Xi Delta (S)Alpha Phi Alpha (F)Mu Sigma Upsilon (S)Alpha Kappa Psi (Co Ed)Lambda Chi Alpha (F)Pi Beta Phi (S)Delta Sigma Theta (S)Sigma Lambda Upsilon (S)Theta Tau (Co Ed)Phi Kappa Tau (F)Delta Zeta (S)Iota Phi Theta (F) Gamma Sigma Sigma (S)Sigma Nu (F)Zeta Tau Alpha (S)Kappa Alpha Psi (F) Sigma Alpha Iota (F) Sigma Pi (F) Omega Psi Phi (F) Sigma Phi Epsilon (F) Phi Beta Sigma (F) Tau Kappa Epsilon (F) Sigma Gamma Rho (S) Theta Chi (F) Zeta Phi Beta (S) Kappa Sigma (F)
4 chi omega alpha chi omega kappa kappa gamma pi beta phi
Sorrorities Panhellenic Association Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Mu, Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternities Infraternity Council Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Pi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Xi Sororities National Pan-Hellenic Council Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, Zeta Phi Beta Fraternities National Pan-Hellenic Council Alpha Phi Alpha, Iota Phi Theta, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma
Nope. Our fraternity was founded on the principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service. We are affiliated with the Boy Scouts and the Scouting movement. Alpha Phi Omega, Omicron Upsilon, Spring '08
alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta lota kappa lamria mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
Omega (q dog)
Some popular sororities across most campuses include: Pi Beta Phi Delta Delta Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega, Some popular sororities across most campuses include: (In no particular order) Sigma Gamma Rho Alpha Kappa Alpha Zeta Phi Beta Delta Sigma Theta The most popular sororities with the best reputations and strongest chapters are Pi Beta Phi Kappa Alpa Theta Delta Delta Delta Chi Omega Delta Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma
my mama is my alpha and omega
Alpha= beginning Omega=End