Security,location,communication,terrain,observation, position improvement. Ref fm 6-30 fm 3-09.30 OP Occupation.
You mean "What is FM the abbreviated form of?"? You can't abbreviate "fm". FM is the abbreviated form of "Frequency Modulation".
AM = Amplitude Modulation. FM = Frequency Modulation
If the letters are in front of the road number, ie. FM 289, the FM means Farm to Market, indicating it is a rural non-major highway (except in the outskirts of heavily populated areas).
There are several meanings for the abbreviation. One example is: WTTS is an FM radio station serving Indianapolis and Bloomington, Indiana, in the United States, broadcasting at 92.3 FM.
The FM in FM Bank stand for farmers and merchants. FM Bank has served many customers throughout the years. The name FM was chosen because the bank originally served these two classes in the beginning.
FM stands for Frequency Module. AM stands for Amplitude Module.
Farm to Market
FM means Frequency Modulated.FM stands for modulation on frequency or frequency modulation.
AM - Amplitude Modulation FM - Frequency Modulation
frequency modulation
Farm to Market road
amplitude modulation & frequency modulation
Farm to Market roads.
AM and FM must stand for something, and when u find out wat dem stands for, u will understnd the differences between the 2!
Security,location,communication,terrain,observation, position improvement. Ref fm 6-30 fm 3-09.30 OP Occupation.
Lgr stands for London Greek Radio and it is a radio station, on 103.3 FM