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Q: What do you use to make fancy words?
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How do you use onomatopoeia in a paragraph?

You use onomatopoeic words in the same way you use other words! This term is just a fancy way of saying that you write a word which sounds like a noise that you would make. Some examples include writing "ahem" or 'achoo." If you need to use a word like that in a sentence, then use it.

How can you disrespect someones feelings without knowing it?

Use a lot of fancy words that sound good in place of words that obviously sound disrespectful.

How do you tell a boy that you love them?

using your vocal cords to make noise and then you use your mouth, tongue, and teeth,to manipulate those sound to make the words " I love you" Or simply write it for him to see, in a note or instant message... what ever tickles your fancy.

What is a fancy word for where you live?

"Residence" or "abode" could be used as fancy words for where you live.

How talk fancy in RuneScape?

This question makes no sense. There is really no way to talk fancy unless you want to spell out every single word and use very big words. Most players within the game type in short hand and dont try to be fancy.

How do you make a PowerPoint look professional?

You can use a standard design theme for it. You can be very consistent in how you lay out each slide. You can make sure there are no errors in things like spelling or general content. You can have a good structure. You can make sure you don't have too much content on a slide. Don't have too many slides. Don't use too many fancy things, and don't use fancy things purely to try to make it look better. Often that can make it look tacky or worse. The focus should be on what the content is and what the presentation is about, rather than showing off what you know about Powerpoint by doing things like fancy animations. Just use them where they are needed and use the standard ones, and only use the more fancy ones if they are particularly appropriate to the point you are making.

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Fancy words for computer?


What does an orthinologist do?

"Orthinologist" is a fancy way of saying "word botcher."

When you use fancy?

You use the word fancy when ever you want to describe something as interesting, sophisticated, better than average, or newer. Example: That new computer is fancy.

What is the relationship between original and fancy?

69ers are less fancy as they involve obsence words such as Twist Lick and Orgasiem