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This is only a half answer but i think it could be an aglet, that's the end of a shoe lace so i think it could work for hoodies

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Q: What do you call the tip on a hoodie string?
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I think he should call it a sweatshirt. A "hoodie" sounds more feminine, which I (being a female and all) would know all about.

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When a ninja hoodie zip up all the way but shows your hair is called Kato Ninja Hoodie.

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You can call it either a sweatshirt or a hoodie.

Where can you buy a hoodie with a eagle tip?

Im trying to find one too! if u find some let me know

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because he wears a black hoodie and has a beard hairyer than a bear

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You place the tip of your index finger on the first fret of the low E string. Place the tip of your ring finger on the third fret of the A string and the tip of your pinky one string below on the same fret. Press all fingers down as hard as necessary to make all three strings ring clearly.

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Hoodie is 23-25

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