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No, it is classified by linguists as a Germanic language.

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It is based on the Latin language.

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Q: Is English considered a Romance language?
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Is English a primarily a romance language?

No, French was primarly the romance language, along with Italian but English is a secondary romance language.

Which language family do English and Italian belong to?

English and Italian both belong to the Indo-European language family. More specifically, Italian is considered a Romance language while English is Germantic.

Was German ever considered a romance language?

No, German is not a Romance language. It belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family, along with English and Dutch, while Romance languages like French, Spanish, and Italian evolved from Latin.

Is greek considered a romance language?

No, Greek is not considered a Romance language. It is classified as a Hellenic language, belonging to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language family. Romance languages, such as Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese, are derived from Latin.

Is German a romance language?

No, German is not a romance language. It belongs to the Germanic language family, along with English, Dutch, and Swedish. Romance languages are derived from Latin and include languages like Spanish, French, and Italian.

What languages the base for romance languages?

English language

Why is French considered the Romance language?

French is considered a Romance language because it evolved from Latin, specifically Vulgar Latin, which was spoken by the Roman soldiers and settlers in Gaul (modern-day France) after the Roman conquest. Over time, this Latin-based language in Gaul developed into Old French, eventually becoming the French language spoken today.

Are Romance and Italian the same language?

Romance or Proto-Romance is a language just in the middle of Latin and Romance Languages. They can have many similarities, but it's really hard to talk about them, inasmuch as Proto-Romance was not written because it was considered vulgar, nontheless, it was spoken.

Artificial language English and romance based?

I think you are asking about ESPERANTO

What is the official language of the roman empire how has the language or Romans influenced modern languages?

Latin was the official language of the empire. It has influenced many languages in the continent of Europe, many of which are the major languages of the world. The languages that come from Latin are described as the Romance Languages, the main ones are: French, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian. However, many languages show influence of Latin, though not being considered a Romance language. One great example would be English. English is considered a Germanic language, but is a mix of Germanic and French, thus indirectly influenced by Latin. There is also the Latin Alphabet, which is used by most languages spoken in Europe (Germanic and Romance).

Why is English not a romance language?

The reason why english is a germanic language and not a romance language is because when the romans kicked the germans out of rome. the germans were so mad that they took at lot from other languages around the time such as french and spanish and put there own german spin on them.

Is Brazil's primary language?

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. It is considered a Romance language derived from colloquial Latin the Galicia Kingdom.