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a noun is plural if it refers to more than one person place of thing.

mouse mice

moose moose

dog dogs

There isn't one change that all words make to become plural, it depends on the root word you're looking at.

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13y ago

The form of the word can sometimes tell you if the noun is singular or plural; the most common form to make a singular into a plural is to add an 's' or an 'es' to the end of the word. For example, coin to coins and house to houses.

Some nouns have an 'irregular plural', they don't just add the standard ending, they change the form of the word or have an unusual ending. For example, man to men, tooth to teeth, or datum to data.

Another way you can tell it is singular or plural is by the context of the sentence. For example, the word sheep is the singular and the plural form. In the sentence, 'The sheep all escaped from the pen.' In this sentence the noun sheepmust be plural because all (more than one) escaped.

'The sheep ate the grass that I gave him.' In this sentence sheep must be singular because the pronoun him is used and him is a singular pronoun (not the plural pronoun them).

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11y ago

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.

A plural noun is a word for two or more people, places, or things.

There are many examples of plural nouns. A plural noun is simply a word that implies more than one of something. Examples include cats, dogs, people, animals, Sandwiches, and countries.

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Is was or were plural or singular?

The words was and were are not singular or plural, BUT... WAS is used after a singular noun, and WERE is used after a plural noun. Examples: The dog (a singular noun) WAS walking in the park today. The dogs (a plural noun) WERE walking in the park today. A helpful saying to remember; He WAS, they WERE.

What is the plural of lava?

The noun 'lava' is an uncountable noun (or mass noun) as a word for a substance.The plural form of uncountable nouns for substances are words for 'types of' or 'kinds of'.

Which one of the following words is an irregular noun plural Automobiles Animals Geese Houses?

The noun that is an irregular plural is geese.A regular plural noun is a noun that adds an "s" or an "es" to the end of the word to form its plural.An irregular plural noun is a noun that forms its plural in some other way; fore example the singular noun is "goose" the plural noun is "geese". The letters in the middle are changed.

What is the plural possessive noun that shows ownership For the words writer's story's farmer's?

The plural form of the noun writer is writers.The plural possessive form is writers'.The plural form of the noun story is stories.The plural possessive form is stories'.The plural form of the noun farmer is farmers.The plural possessive form is farmers'.

Can lava be plural with or without an s?

The noun 'lava' is an uncountable noun (or mass noun) as a word for a substance.The plural form of uncountable nouns for substances are words for 'types of' or 'kinds of'.

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The words was and were are not singular or plural, BUT... WAS is used after a singular noun, and WERE is used after a plural noun. Examples: The dog (a singular noun) WAS walking in the park today. The dogs (a plural noun) WERE walking in the park today. A helpful saying to remember; He WAS, they WERE.

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The noun 'lava' is an uncountable noun (or mass noun) as a word for a substance.The plural form of uncountable nouns for substances are words for 'types of' or 'kinds of'.

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Which one of the following words is an irregular noun plural Automobiles Animals Geese Houses?

The noun that is an irregular plural is geese.A regular plural noun is a noun that adds an "s" or an "es" to the end of the word to form its plural.An irregular plural noun is a noun that forms its plural in some other way; fore example the singular noun is "goose" the plural noun is "geese". The letters in the middle are changed.

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