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Timmy took ten tires.

Bob bought bagels before breakfast.

Nancy napped through noon.

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Q: What are three good examples of alliteration?
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Give 6 examples of alliteration?

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What are some examples of alliteration in the book ''The Scarlet Ibis''?

Some examples of alliteration in "The Scarlet Ibis" include: "summer was dead" and "darkness shut out the light." These instances of alliteration help create a sense of rhythm and emphasize certain emotions in the storytelling.

If three words all start with the same letter what is it called?

Alliteration. Repetition of initial consonants or sounds is alliteration, and is very handy for emphasizing a certain phrase, or as a memory aid.

Examples of creature alliteration please?

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What are some alliteration examples in Loser by Jerry Spinelli?

Some examples of alliteration in "Loser" by Jerry Spinelli include "bully beats," "schoolteachers scowl," and "bawling babies." These instances of alliteration help create rhythm and emphasize certain phrases in the text.

What are some examples of alliteration in Under Milk Wood?

Some examples of alliteration in "Under Milk Wood" are "blind bows of the sun" and "pulsing deep sea." Alliteration creates rhythm and musicality in the language, enhancing the overall poetic quality of the writing.

What are some alliteration in walk two moons?

A Snake has a Snack

What are some Examples of alliteration in the boy and the striped pajamas?

Some examples of alliteration in "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" include phrases like "safe side," "Father Fury," and "frightened father." These instances of alliteration create a rhythmic and memorable effect in the text.

Give you 3 examples using an alliteration starting with a?

afraid after afecting