According to use is a phrase that is put together. It is meant to mean, that after something was used this was figured out or decided.
Sentences are short and incomplete
At least two clauses; one clause
Combine some short sentences into longer ones.
c. sam has seen the same man in new york city.
The plural of bacterium is bacteria.
Without the sentences provided, I can't determine which sentence uses commas correctly.
it uses the words and, but
Yes, The Hunger Games uses compound sentences.
Sentences are short and incomplete
At least two clauses; one clause
Edwards blood style of writing is that he uses many quotes and not many long sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences as well.. Nailed it
to connect sentences examples: and, but, or, nor, yet, for, so
this is a lame question about axis!
Combine some short sentences into longer ones.