it teaches kids how to spell crappy words they'll never use in life
To define who she is
That is the correct spelling of "nickelodeon" (an early movie theater, or a musical instrument).The television network with kids programming is capitalized Nickelodeon (Nick).
kids swear because they have been brought up to or there paranets family friends or others swear they think its right try to act all grown up and start swearing even though its wrong so all u adults out there reading this stop swearing in front of yr kids oor little kid even if they r not yr kids
Yeah, Some kids know bad words.They can learn it from parents or t.v tons of things.Brother,Sisters They over hear it from other people also.Be careful were your child are.
No - too much television makes them spell words wrong !
Those letters will spell skid and kids.
it teaches kids how to spell crappy words they'll never use in life
It's really good actually. It just shows how much smarter today's generation of kids are getting.
Yes because WordGirl is a show for kids to learn new vocabulary words and at the same time they think their just watching an entertainment show, well actually there learning new words to speak and spell.
It is a great way to teach your child to spell; since they have to make the words, and are going to be using all of the letters, it is a great game to use.
learning how to spell.
Here are some words that some people miss spellQueueseparatewhichwitchdifficultisoscelesquadrilateraltimeareourbecausecupboardglancepantomimedictionary
No, at that time the majority of the world's population was illiterate. I also note that 'kids' in 2012 still do not know how to spell.
To make spelling words for kids easy to remember for them sometimes making them a game, or a song or something fun works easier. Like make a song with those words, or make a game, or make the word refer to something like, Black - Sheep. cougar - kitty. Coal - Santa gives to naughty kids.. Etc.
learn how to spell !
they teach them how to spell discipline