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Q: What are the several old English characters that no longer exist in modern English?
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What is the feminine from of positif?

I assume you meant 'feminine form of positive!' There are no masculine or feminine forms in Modern English. Gender is no longer an inflectional category in Modern English.

What do you call a language that is very much used?

Common or Modern. ie, Modern English as opposed to Old English, which is no longer in use. Not all languages have a modern equivalent, and are therefore not used very much, though there are exceptions.

What pronoun changed since old English?

One pronoun that changed since Old English is "thou," which was singular and informal, and is no longer commonly used in Modern English.

The modern day use of the word mentor shows that?

some widely used English words and expressions are based on characters in The Odyssey.

What is the word sirrah in modern English?

The term "sirrah" is an archaic form of address used in English that was commonly used to address a man or boy in a commanding or scornful way. It is no longer commonly used in modern English and may come across as offensive or outdated.

What type of DC comic characters use the name 'huntress'?

Several characters in DC comics have had the name "huntress". The Golden Age Huntress was a supervillain who battled with Wildcat. Other characters have been, The Bronze Age Huntress, and the Modern Age Huntress.

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In Modern Family, the characters of Mitch and Cam are the only regular characters that are gay.

What is the base for German language?

West Germanic (no longer spoken). This is the language that German, Dutch, Frisian and to a large extent, modern English are descended.

How can you translate I into modern English?

The word I is already in modern English.

What are the four stages of the English language?

The four stages of the English language are Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, and Modern English. These stages mark the historical development and evolution of the language over time.

What is the modern English spelling of scip?

Scip in Old English is ship in Modern English.

What do you call the English that Shakespeare used?

It is a form of Modern English called Early Modern English or Elizabethan English.