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Q: What are the phrase examples of indirect disagreement?
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In the statement my sister gave the dog a dish of water is dog the indirect object?

Yes, the noun 'dog' is the indirect object of the verb gave.The direct object of the verb 'gave' is the noun phrase 'dish of water'.

What is meant by the phrase the the rabbit died?

It's an indirect way of saying someone has become pregnant.

American Indians showed settlers how to plant corn which word or phrase is the indirect object?


Is the phrase disagree to grammatically correct?

No, not exactly, although you would be understood. In conversational English, we disagree "with" something or someone. Or we have a disagreement "about" something. So, "I love my best friend, but I sometimes disagree with her about politics." Or, "Sometimes my best friend and I have a disagreement about politics."

What is an example of a sentence containing an indirect object?

An example of a sentence containing an indirect object:Give me that newspaper.In this sentence, "that newspaper" is what is actually given, and is the direct object. But what about the word "me"? It is the indirect object.The indirect object comes before the direct object. It could be replaced by "to me", but when you replace the indirect object by a prepositional phrase like that, you have to rearrange the sentence, putting the direct object immediately after the verb:Give that newspaper to me.Some other examples (with the indirect object in bold):Tell your sister what happened this morning.Pay them $20 each.Show the doctor your finger.**marnie gave mother the wallet she found

Related questions

Can a indirect object be in a prepositional phrase?

Yes, an indirect object can be located within a prepositional phrase in a sentence. For example, in the sentence "He gave the book to her," "her" is the indirect object located within the prepositional phrase "to her."

Can you use a noun for a indirect object?

An indirect object is always a noun (or an equivalent phrase). I gave the dog a bone -- "the dog" is the indirect object.

What is the indirect object. I showed the police officer my license.?

Traditionally, the Direct Object is defined as the noun that immediately follows the verb (more precisely, the noun in the noun phrase that immediately follows the verb phrase). An indirect object is any noun that does NOT belong to the noun phrase immediately following the verb phrase. In the sentence above, 'license' (from the noun phrase "my license") would be the Indirect Object.

What are the examples of indirect advertising?

media fam

Examples of indirect marketing?

newspaper, tv

What are examples of indirect tax?

One example of indirect tax is Income Tax.

Is may a indirect object or subject or direct object or verb phrase?

"May" can function as a modal verb indicating possibility or permission. It is not an indirect object, subject, direct object, or verb phrase.

What are 4 examples of indirect democracies?

Direct Democracy: People represent themselves. Indirect Democracy: People elect representatives to represent them. :)

What are the Examples of voluntariness?

The examples of voluntariness are the direct and indirect voluntariness.

Give you some examples of indirect object?

Give the letter to me.

What are some examples of indirect sentences?

EXAMPLE: They gave me a bonus.

The difference between direct taxs and indirect taxs and give examples of each?

The difference between direct taxes and indirect taxes with examples is that direct taxes come directly from a person's income or personal property taxes. Indirect taxes comes from sales and excise taxes.