You do not have the script written, so you have to improvise. Impromptu speeches can seem very persuasive, because you can constantly maintain eye contact with your audience, you are free to joke around, and they are generally more interesting and compelling to listen to. Although you need to be very eloquent and preferably speak in your first language to avoid being voluble and redundant.
Impromptu is an adjective.
It is something that is made or done without previous preparation. An impromptu dinner is hastily prepared. An impromptu speech that was off the cuff and unprepared. An impromptu address to unexpected crowds
An "ad lib speech" An "off the cuff speech" A "spontaneous speech" An "unprepared speech" A "speech from the heart" (there may be more)
It is a synonym for impromptu. It means without preparation. An example would be, "I gave an extemporaneous speech in English class today".
Your impromptu adlibs are NOT appreciated as you keep STEALING THE SCENE! The impromptu picnic was held sans ants.
Impromptu is an adjective.
She delivered an impromptu speech at the event, showcasing her ability to think on her feet.
advantages and disadvantages of Impromptu presentation
Sure! The speaker gave an impromptu speech at the event without any prior preparation.
Impromptu speeches can be more honest and from the heart. However, without a script, a speech can get repetitive and mixed up.
One should end an impromptu speech with a joke that brings the speech back to the opening lines. In this way, the speech can come full circle and end on a high note.
It is something that is made or done without previous preparation. An impromptu dinner is hastily prepared. An impromptu speech that was off the cuff and unprepared. An impromptu address to unexpected crowds
An impromptu speech is a speech or presentation that is given without any prior preparation or planning. Speakers must think on their feet and deliver a coherent and effective message on the spot. Impromptu speeches often showcase a speaker's ability to communicate effectively and think quickly under pressure.
My sentence would be: At school we had to do an impromptu speech which was pretty hard to do but it was worth all the effort!
"Impromptu" can refer to something done without preparation or rehearsal, as in an impromptu speech. It can also be used figuratively to describe something spontaneous or unplanned, like an impromptu gathering.