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An ancient hero is someone who does something for a good cause. They do not need to have super powers or strong abilities, but the heart to do something good for a cause. An example, a fireman is considered to be a hero because, not because he has super power (which he doesn't), but a heart in doing his job to go inside a building to save people's lives and taking a risk in his own life.

So, this concludes that a hero does not need to have an ability in order to become one's true hero, but one that has a heart in doing something that risks his/her life.


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16y ago
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13y ago

The Homeric hero traits are:

  • A vital complex person who is on a quest
  • Changing emotions
  • Faces complex and important decisions
  • Strives for excellence
  • Strives to be best among peers
  • Goal is to achieve the greatest glory, to gain the greatest honor from his peers, commander, and his warrior society
  • Has supernatural help
  • Public approval is crucial to self-esteem
  • Has super-human strength
  • Associated with beautiful women
  • Birth/death dates unclear or unknown
  • Respects all forms of life
  • A model for behavior
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11y ago

An epic hero is a person of talent or of high class, someone respected by others. Always on the side of truth he need not be perfect. Epic heroes have always had one trait in common: bravery. Every hero in an epic is brave and that is what leads to the narrated or emphasized action in an epic. It is essential that the hero undergoes a phase of extremity where his decision could turn his entire life upside-down. Mostly the hero is a highly influential person due to whose tragic flaw an entire society or group is affected. Yet the epic twists and turns to finally bring to the ending where the effect of the action caused by the tragic flaw of the hero is neutralized due to a brave undertaking he himself makes.

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11y ago

10 Significant Characteristics of a Hero

A real hero is someone who faces everyday challenges bravely and lives with a smile despite problems and shortcomings. Listed here are the 10 most prominent hero characteristics.

  1. Bravery: "You can't be brave if you've had only wonderful things happen to you." ~ Mary Tyler More: This is the most important characteristic of a hero. You have to be brave to stand up and fight.
  2. Courage: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" ~ Winston Churchill: You need the courage to fight a situation no matter how bad it is. Heroes have the fear of losing but they also have the courage to drive away that fear.
  3. Determination: "The difference between the impossible and possible lies in a man's determination." ~ Tommy Lasorda: When you have the determination to fight something, no matter how weak you are, you will win.
  4. Dedication: "The only tyrant I accept in this world is the 'still small voice' within me." ~ Mahatma Gandhi: Dedication in a task pays off eventually.
  5. Endurance: "Don't pray for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." ~ Unknown: If you are strong enough to face failure, nothing can stop you from achieving your goal.
  6. Perseverance: "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt: When you are persistent, you are bound to be victorious eventually.
  7. Valor: "Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live." ~ Thomas Brown Sr: To be bold enough to stand against the wrong when no one can show true heroism.
  8. Selflessness: "Without selfless service, no one ever receives the fruits of their rewards." ~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib: You have to be selfless in your life to be remembered as a hero.
  9. Sacrifice: "Those things that are precious are saved only by sacrifice." ~ David Kenyon Webster: It is very difficult to make sacrifices but a true hero sacrifices without hesitating.
  10. Humility: "To become truly great, one has to stand with the people, not above them." ~ Charles de Montesquieu. You shouldn't have airs about yourself but be down to earth and humble.

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11y ago

1. They are usually of noble birth. If not in birth, then they are noble in character.

2. They will have a tragic flaw. Something that eventually leads to their demise.

3. A reversal of fortune caused by the hero's flaw.

4. The hero/heroine gains self-knowledge and self-awareness due to his/her actions.

5. The audience must feel pity, empathy, and fear for the hero.

Here are some examples:

  • In Aristotle's plays, a tragic hero always had characteristics like greatness and a noble stature. A tragic hero was portrayed quite strongly in Aristotle's play 'Poetics'.
  • In the play 'Macbeth' by Shakespeare, the tragic hero Macbeth was a victim of his doubt and insecurity. Thus the hero's downfall is due to his own errors and actions. This is one prominent characteristic of a tragic hero.
  • In Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', Romeo has been portrayed as a strong victim of the rules laid by the society. He could not make a strong decision and hence committed suicide for his love.
  • A tragic hero has to suffer because of his own mistakes or somebody else's as shown in the movie 'Julius Caesar' where the tragic hero was Brutus.
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12y ago

Barvery, Fearlessess, and willingness

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How much was Tom Hanks paid for The Polar Express?

In the 2004 animated movie The Polar Express, Tom Hanks provides either the voices or physical characteristics of Hero Boy, Hero Boy's father, the Conductor, the Hobo, the Scrooge puppet controlled by the Hobo, and Santa Claus.

How many elemental hero cards are there?

Erm no, there are only fifty of them, I've counted the merged also. In all there are sixty five. doto the fact most of the heroes can merege. if you count the neospacians there are seventy. the main five are avian, sparkman, clayman, burstinatrix, and bubble man. There are exactly 50 Elemental Heroes. You can find a list of all Elemental Heroes in the related link below. Note: Not all of the Elemental Heroes are released (yet) in the OCG.

What are the warrior fusion monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Here is a list of all of the Warrior-type Fusion Monsters: Flame Swordsman Elemental HERO Shining Phoenix Enforcer Elemental HERO Steam Healer Elemental HERO Storm Neos Elemental HERO Tempest Elemental HERO Terra Firma Elemental HERO The Shining Elemental HERO Thunder Giant Elemental HERO Wild Wingman Elemental HERO Wildedge Empress Judge Elemental HERO Escuridao Elemental HERO Flame Wingman Elemental HERO Flare Neos Elemental HERO Gaia Elemental HERO Electrum Elemental HERO Grand Neos Elemental HERO Glow Neos Elemental HERO Great Tornado Elemental HERO Magma Neos Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster Elemental HERO Plasma Vice Elemental HERO Phoenix Enforcer Elemental HERO Nova Master Elemental HERO Neos Knight Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman Elemental HERO Mudballman Elemental HERO Mariner Elemental HERO Marine Neos Cyber Blader Arcana Knight Joker Dark Flare Knight Dark Blade the Dragon Knight Destiny End Dragoon Dragoness the Wicked Knight Elemental HERO Absolute Zero Elemental HERO Air Neos Elemental HERO Aqua Neos Elemental HERO Chaos Neos Elemental HERO Divine Neos Elemental HERO Darkbright Elemental HERO Dark Neos Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin Masked HERO Vapor Masked HERO Goka Karbonala Warrior Masked HERO Acid Masked HERO Dian Giltia the D. Knight Ryu Senshi Rainbow Neos The Last Warrior from Another Planet Warrior of Tradition

What qualities does Charlie have that make him a hero in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Charlie is innocent, kind, humble, heartwarming and lovely. I wouldn't say, that he's a hero in the movie, because he doesn't save someones life or something equal that a hero would do. But because of the qualities I've listed, he never got in trouble during the chocolate factory journey, despite the other kids, whose are arrogant, egoistic or blunt. These characteristics are the ruin of the other kids.

What are all the cards in jaden yukis deck including all elemental heros and neo spaciance and all the spells traps and effect cards?

ELEMENTAL HEROS I NEED: Elemental Hero Poison Rose Elemental Hero Heat Elemental Hero Lady Heat Elemental Hero Voltic Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman Elemental Hero Stratos Elemental Hero Darkbright Elemental Hero Divine Neos Elemental Hero Mariner Elemental Hero Prisma Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer Elemental Hero Wildedge Rare Elemental Hero Wild Wingman Elemental Hero Dark Neos Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman Elemental Hero Grand Neos Elemental Hero Plasma Vice Elemental Hero Storm Neos Elemental Hero Steam Healer Elemental Hero Ocean Elemental Hero Magma Neos Elemental Hero Gaia Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer ElEmental HERO GLOW NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO GRAND NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO AIR NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO MARINE NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO MUDBALLMAN Elemental Hero Electrum Elemental Hero Chaos Neos ElEmental HeRO absolute zero ELEMENTAL HERO TERRA FIRMA ElEmental HeRO TEMPEST elemental hero great tornado Elemental Hero Ice Edge Elemental Hero Flash Elemental Hero The Shining ElEmental HERO NOVA MASTER ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DONT KNOW IF THESE ELEMENTAL HEROS EXIST : Elemental Hero Edge wingman Elemental hero Flamedge Wingman Elemental Hero Silver Grandedge Elemental Hero Tempestade Elemental hero Coração Selvagem. Elemental hero Stardust Neos Space Elemental Hero Neos Knight elemental hero black shadow dragon Elemental Hero Ikaris Elemental Hero Crusader ElEmental hero shado nija Elemental Hero Captain Airman ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================== NEO SPICANS ANDS OF OF THE NEO SPACIAN TRAPS AND SPELLS: Space Gift Reverse Contact Polymerization H Heated Heart E Emergency Call R Rightous Justice O Oversoul Hero Flash Pot of Greed Spark Blaster Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Neo-Spacian Air Humming bird

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