There are 8 letters in alphabet, or 7 "unique" letters (A appears twice). There are 26 letters in the English (Roman/Latin) alphabet.
social 7 we are going to study about the later
There are different kinds of business letters that are written for different purposes. Common business letters include sales letters, order letters, adjustment letters, complaint letters and so many others.
Letters answering complaints. Letters to suppliers Letters to customers Letters to staff Letter from staff Leagal letters
vouls and contanents
love letter
the letters they use in WikiAnswers for the answers to your questions are TIMES NEW ROMAN.
Science is a subject with 7 letters.
7 letters in the word "letters".
Anchovy is an animal. It has 7 letters.
There are many different kinds of antelopes. Most antelopes live in Africa and Eurasia. A small antelope is called a calf.
There are total of 7 letters in this word.