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An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Ten examples are blue, fast, disappointing, lovely, harsh, musical, large, lupine, wooden, and fourth.

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Q: What are ten examples of an adjective?
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What is an adjective give 10 examples of adjective?

An adjective is a word that modifies (describes) a noun. Examples of adjectives:adorablebadcolddeliciouseasyfrostygreenhappyignorantjealous

Can you give me ten example of adjective words?

An adjective is a describing Word for a noun. Here are some examples: awesome, quick, zesty, large, boxed, handsome, number adjectives, color adjectives, cute, and sharp.

What part of speech is ten?

"Ten" can be either a noun (referring to the number 10) or an adjective (describing something consisting of ten parts).

What are examples of adjective modifier?

Examples of an adjective modifier is a word that gives more detail about the adjective. Some examples are very, moderately, slowly, quite, etc. These modifiers can also be numbers.

Can you give 30 examples of adjective?

Examples of adjectives are:ampleannualbluecarefuldeliciouselusivefreshgoodgrandhappyicyjealouskeenlooseluckymortgagednoticeableoriginalovalpolitequietrosysordidsplendidtrueuglyvaguewetyellowzealous

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What word is the adjective in the sentence oliva has ten fingers on which to count numbers?


A and and the are examples of this type of adjective?

"a" and "the" are not adjectives. These are examples of what we call article(s).

What are examples of modifier?

Examples of an adjective modifier is a word that gives more detail about the adjective. Some examples are very, moderately, slowly, quite, etc. These modifiers can also be numbers.

An Adjective that describe the ten commandments?


Is ten an adverb?

No, "ten" is not an adverb. "Ten" is a numeral or a number that represents the quantity of ten. It is an adjective when used to describe a noun (e.g., ten apples) or a noun when used as the subject or object of a sentence (e.g., I have ten). It does not describe how an action is done, which is the role of an adverb.

What are the kind of adjectives with examples and pictures?

the two kind of adjectives are: 1.DESCRIPTURE ex.beautiful,big,round,white and LIMITING ADJECTIVES...., ten sorry no pictures