frenzied, wild, furious, distracted, distraught, berserk, beside yourself, hectic, desperate, fraught, frenetic
There are several synonyms for the word "frantic". The words "hectic" and "beserk" are just two. Several more can be found on the Thesaurus website, which is free to use.
Synonyms to the word good are "well" and "great"
Some of the synonyms for the word end are confine, deadline, and edge.
The word frantically is an adverb. It means to do something in a frantic manner.
There are many synonyms of the word drunk and the list is so long.
There are several synonyms for the word "frantic". The words "hectic" and "beserk" are just two. Several more can be found on the Thesaurus website, which is free to use.
Frantic is an adjective
busy : frantic
* Frantic * Anxious * Worried * Distressed * Distracted * Fraught * Hopeless * An extreme want for...
The word "frantic" is an adjective. It describes a state of wild or frenzied activity or behavior.
Yes, the "a" in "frantic" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.
The root word of "frantic" is "franticus," which comes from the Latin word "franticus," meaning mad or insane.
i lost my car keys and now i am frantic and tyring to remember what happened to them.
No, frantic is a single word. Bus stop is a compound word it is made up of the words bus and stop bullfrog mailbox snowball
The word 'frantic' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun. The noun form for the adjective frantic is franticness. Some antonyms for the adjective frantic are: calm, composed, cool, tranquil. Some antonyms for the noun franticness are: calmness, composure, coolness, tranquility.
No, "frantic" is not a noun. It is an adjective that describes a state of distress or anxiety.