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stimulate, provoke, alert, stir up, kindle, revive, arouse

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Q: What are synonyms for awaken?
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What are synonyms for arouse?

stimulate, encourage, inspire, prompt, spur, provoke, rouse, stir up, inflame, awaken

What are some synonyms for the word 'resuscitate'?

The word resuscitate is a verb meaning to regain consciousness, vigor, or life to. Synonyms include arouse, awaken, enliven, energize, rejuvenate, and save.

What are some synonyms for the term 'rouse'?

Some synonyms for the term 'rouse' are: arouse, awake, awaken, call, get up, raise, rise, stir, wake up, nap, sleep, actuate, energize, impel, and mobilize.

What are some synonyms of the word 'resurrect'?

Some synonyms of the word "resurrect" are, animate, arouse, awaken, bounce back, brighten, bring around, bring to, come around, comfort, encourage, energize, and many more.

What is a sentence for awaken?

I will awaken the Kraken.I was awaken by the shattering noise.

What part of speech is awaken?

"Awaken" can be a verb.

What are synonyms for evoke?

All these words are synonyms for the word evoke: induce, stimulate, arouse, awaken, call, call forth, conjure, educe, elicit, give rise to, invoke, provoke, raise, rally, recall, rouse, stir up, summon, waken.

How do you say spirits awaken?

Spirits awaken.

What does dúisigh mean?

To awaken, or to awaken someone else.

What is Awaken rated?

Awaken is rated 6.1/10 on IMDB.

When was Awaken in Oblivion created?

Awaken in Oblivion was created in 2004.

When was We'll Awaken created?

We'll Awaken was created in 2006.