The query is not clear. Are you looking for synonyms of the word 'BIG'? If so, here are some of them:
> Large
> Huge
> Gargantuan
> Enormous
> Gigantic
> Humongous
> Elephantine
> Mammoth
> Bulky
Some other words for "dull" are: - boring - uninteresting
There are several things you can try:Compare its pronunciation to words that you do know how to spellLook for rhyming words that use the same spellingLook in a thesaurus under words that mean about the same thingType the word into a browser that looks for similarly spelled wordsAsk the word phonetically here on Answers, preferably with a clue to what the word means that you are trying to spell.
items, objects, ideas,
you can use spotted, or specked.
StaringLookingGazingObservingIf you don't like the words you can search up some synonyms for "watching".
Some alternative words to use instead of "he" include: they, it, the person, the individual, one.
do you want peas ? - some = (un peu)some of them were leaving = quelques-uns s'en allaientDu - before masculine words instead of leDe la - before feminine words instead of laDes - before plural words instead of les
There are no single words that are antonyms for instead. Some phrases that are the opposite of instead are 'as well' and 'in addition.'
The phrase 'big words' is rather broad. Here are some examples:approachattachbatchbeachbelchbeseechbirchbitchbleachblowtorchbotchbreachbreechbrunchbunchbutterscotchcatchchurchcinchclutchcoachcockroachcornstarchcouchcrotchcrouchcrunchcrutchdebauchdispatchditchdrenchdutchencroacheunuchfetchflinchfrenchglitchhatchhitchhomestretchhunchhutchkeypunchlatchleechlunchlurchmarchmatchmatriarchmonarchmoochmulchmunchnonesuchnotchoutreachpatchpatriarchpeachperchpinchpitchpoachporchpouchpreachpunchreachreproachresearchsandwichscorchscotchscratchscrunchsketchslouchsnatchsnitchspeechstretchswatchswitchteachtorchtouchtwitchvouchwatchwenchwhichwitchworkbenchwrenchwretchwristwatchzilch
Acquired, obtained, received, or gained are alternative words that can be used instead of "got."
You could use words like us, we, our, ourselves.
Some other words for "dull" are: - boring - uninteresting
There are several things you can try:Compare its pronunciation to words that you do know how to spellLook for rhyming words that use the same spellingLook in a thesaurus under words that mean about the same thingType the word into a browser that looks for similarly spelled wordsAsk the word phonetically here on Answers, preferably with a clue to what the word means that you are trying to spell.
bacteriologistbacteriotherapeuticballistocardiographbaresthesiometerbarocyclonometerbarothermohygrographbasicytoparaplastinbatrachomyomachybeautificationbenzalphenylhydrazonebenzofuroquinoxalinebenzophenanthrazinebenzophenanthrolinebenzophloroglucinolbenzoxyphenanthrenebioastronauticalbioclimatologiesbiodegradabilitybioelectricitiesbioenvironmentalbiologicohumanisticbioluminescencebiorhythmicitiesbiotechnologicalbipotentialitiesblabbermouthblepharoblennorrheablepharochromidrosisblepharoconjunctivitisblepharohematidrosisblepharosphincterectomyblepharosyndesmitisbloodhoundbloodthirstinessboroughmongeringbougainvilleabouillabaissebourgeoisiebrachiofaciolingualbrachycatalecticbrachycephalizationbronchoaspergillosisbronchoconstrictionbronchoesophagoscopybronchomucormycosisbronchopneumoniabronchopulmonarybureaucraticallybutterscotchBusinesslike, bloodthirstiness and bibliographically are big words.
shoal; university