Words to describe a woman starting with L are:lovelylevel headedlivelylazylovedleaderloyallittlelearnedlatelooneylucky
Nouns are not describing words, adjectives are words that describe nouns. The word Grinch is a noun. Some adjectivesthat describe the noun Grinch are:fictionalambitiousenergeticconfusedstrange
Words that describe Ocean Debris are: Icky, nasty, unhelpful, gross, etc.
I would describe her as caring.The police asked the witness to describe the suspect.
Words that describe nouns are adjectives; the word missile is a noun. Some adjectives that can describe a missile are:awesome (awe inspiring)fastsleekswiftfleetspeedyballisticsupersonic
look at the giraffe
Words that can be made from the letters in 'giraffe' are:aageairarearfeareraergfafagfairfarfarefearfiefifefigfirfirefraggaffgaffergargeargriefIifireRaragrageriferiffrig
You could describe a giraffe as genteel, gentle, gangling or giant.
The nouns "giraffe" and "wolf" are not proper nouns.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.The nouns "giraffe" and "wolf are common nouns, general words for types of mammals; words for any giraffe or any wolf.A proper noun for the common nouns "giraffe" and "wolf" are the names of a specific giraffe or a specific wolf; or, for example, Giraffe Avenue in Brampton, ON Canada or Wolf Brand Chili.
giraffes have long necks to reach the leaves of tall trees
One of them is the giraffe. A giraffe only sleeps about two hours out of every 24 hours. In other words, it is awake about 92% of the time!Giraffe sleeps 30 minutes a day.
Other words that describe excellence include mastery, distinction, superiority, and perfection.
it's longer then a humans but they both have 7 vertabraes