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Some examples of 'quality of mind' nouns, also called abstract nouns, are:

  • anxiety
  • bravery
  • confidence
  • decisiveness
  • euphemism
  • fun
  • generosity
  • happiness
  • isolation
  • joy
  • knowledge
  • luxury
  • memory
  • news
  • opinion
  • purpose
  • question
  • reason
  • sorrow
  • trouble
  • urge
  • value
  • wealth
  • year
  • zeal
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What are some abstract nouns that begin with the letter I?

Some common nouns that start with 'i' are:ibexibisiceiconideaidentityidolimaginationimpinchinformationinkinninsightinspirationinventioninundationionirisironironyislandisolationissueisthmusitem

What are examples of abstract nouns ending in the suffix -ce?

Some examples of abstract nouns ending in -ce are:absenceabstinenceabundanceavaricebenevolenceconfidencecowardicedalliancedeliverancedevianceeloquenceeminenceevidenceexcellencegracegrievancehindranceimpudenceinnocencemalicemalfeasancemenacenovicenuancenuisanceonceopulencepeacepenancepresencepriceprominenceprovidenceprudenceracereferencereliancesciencesentence (punishment)severancesourcestancetolerancetrancetrucetwicevariancevehemencevicevigilance

Are all abstract nouns uncountable with examples?

No, not all abstract nouns are uncountable. Some examples of countable abstract nouns are:an agreement; a number of agreementsan idea; a lot of ideasa lie; too many liesmy life; the lives of othersan opinion; a lot of opinionsa question; a few questionsThe most common abstract nouns that are uncountable are nouns for concepts and gerunds (verbal nouns). Some examples are:educationinformationknowledgeplayingrunningskating

What is an abstract noun that begins with q?

Abstract nouns that start with Q are: qualityquandaryqueryquestquipquirkquotaquotient

What is an example of a emotion noun?

Some examples of abstract nouns that are emotions:angerboredomcheerfulnesscuriosityfeargratitudehatehopelovemourningstrengthwonder

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