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Some sentences containing superlatives are below:

That is the most creative skit I've ever seen.

Can you find the brightest star in the sky?

It's the creepiest haunted house in town!

My grandmother is the oldest woman in our county.

That is the most difficult thing I've ever done.

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Q: What are some examples of a superlative sentence?
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"The critics lavished superlatives on it."when do we use a superlative ?

Superlative in a sentence?

A superlative is a word with a suffix that implies that it is of the greatest magnitude or quality relative to its form without the suffix. An example of a sentence with the word "superlative" is "The superlative of 'tall' is 'tallest. '"

How would you put this sentence in superlative form joyce sang louder than grace?

You can't put that sentence in superlative form cause superlative compares 2+ things and in that sentence it has to be comparative since that's comparing 2 things.

What is the superlative adjective in the sentence Your loving grandmother made the prettiest hand sewn quilt for your happy family?

Prettiest is the superlative adjective in that sentence.

What part of speech is superlative?

The word "superlative" can be a noun, adjective, or adverb depending on how it is used in a sentence.

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What is an example of compare?

Comparative is a term for an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Some examples of adjective comparatives are: good; comparative = better; superlative = best short; comparative = shorter; superlative = shortest happy; comparative = happier; superlative = happiest modern; comparative = more modern; superlative = most modern fragile; comparative = more fragile; superlative = most fragile

What is the comparative and superlative degree of fully?

Depends on the sentence

What are the superlative and commparative adjectives of the sentence The constitution guarantees free speech?

In that sentence, the only adjective is "free." The comparative and superlative forms of free are freer and freest respectively.

Superlative degree of sincerely?

The superlative degree of word sincere can be most sincere ,or sincerest according to its use in the sentence.

What is a superlative modifier?

Superlative modifiers are descriptive words that end in - est. Or, for irregular modifiers, the superlative form is the one which takes the concept to the highest degree. (See examples below) The modifiers that end in -er are called the comparative forms. Examples: long, longer, longest (longest = superlative) cold, colder, coldest (coldest = superlative) good, better, best (This is an irregular form, best = superlative) bad, worse, worst (also an irregular form, worst = superlative)

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i went home