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Q: What are some describing words with ai or ay?
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What words with ai when the ai sounds like an a?

Most AI words sound like long A as in AY - maid, waif, maim, nail, main, fair, baitOnly some sound like E or I : said, aisle

What words have the ai sound?

Most AI words sound like long A as in AY - maid, waif, maim, nail, main, fair, baitOnly some sound like E or I : said, aisle

What 2 letter words begin with the letter a?

ai, am, an, at, as, ax, ad, ah, Al, ay

What are the three different ways of spelling the long a sound?

ay ai ey --- The long A sound is mainly made by A-consonant-E (the silent E), by AY, and by AI. These are the ways in which some words spell a long sound: A words - able, anal, apiary, aviation (2) A words (silent E) - base, cake, late, name AY words - lay, may, pay AI words - fail, maid, plain EA words - great, steak EI words - veil, vein, beige EY words - obey, trey, they EIGH words - weigh, weight, neighbor From French: ET/ IT - buffet, cachet, chalet, crochet, filet, sachet, sorbet, parfait QUE/ QUET (kay) - risque, bouquet, croquet E / EE / ER - cliche, passe, soiree, toupee, dossier

What words have a long a sound spelled ai?

Almost all AI paired words (and AY words) are pronounced with a long A (ay). But those with an R after the AI are classified as R-shaped vowel sounds: a caret A or "air." There are a few exceptions, such as aisle (long I), said (short E) and plaid (short A). A few long A words spelled with AI are: aid, laid, maid, paid, raid waif bail, fail, and other -ail words aim, maim attain, gain, main, pain, rain malaise, raise gait, wait waive

What words have the same vowel sound as the EA in great?

The EA has a long A (ay) vowel sound. This is also seen in A words - base, cake, late AY words - lay, may, pay AI words - fail, maid, plain EI words - veil EIGH words - weigh, weight, neighbor

How do you spell AI AI AI?

The phrase (likely from the Spanish ay, "oh") is often spelled "Ay-yi-yi!"The nautical phrase is "aye aye", and the small lemur species is the same (aye-aye).

Does the word Rail have a long a sound?

Yes, the word "rail" does have a long 'a' sound, pronounced as /reɪl/.

How do you pronounce wo ai ni in Chinese?


What are some compound words that begin with the word bread?

The EA pair has a long A (ay) sound, as in the homophone stake, and the rhyming words break, bake, make, take, and wake. Other words with a long A include: AY words - lay, may, pay AI words - fail, maid, plain EI words - veil EIGH words - weigh, weight, neighbor

What words have a long a sound spelled ia?

Some words with a long "a" sound spelled with "ia" include: Liars Dial Liar Crier

What words make the ay sound?

baytakemailsaillakeovertakemakecakeneighclaysayfrailexhaletaletailwaymay sleighglaceacelacelaystakebailsail