Some antonyms of the word affidavit is denial, veto, and negation.
Some antonyms for the word 'scrawl' are:claritycommon sensefactintelligibilitysensetruthunderstandingReference: http:/
Connotation is an antonym for denotation. Connotation refers to the additional meaning or emotion associated with a word beyond its literal definition, while denotation is the literal or dictionary definition of a word.
Some antonyms for the word consider are reject, disregard, ignore, and dismiss.
Some Antonyms for the word interpret are misinterpret and misunderstand.
Some antonyms for the word 'happy' include 'sad', 'unhappy', 'upset' and 'miserable'.
The word, Barbecue, has no antonyms.
As a noun, there are no antonyms for the word dynamite. As an adjective, some antonyms for dynamite are dull or uninteresting.
Some antonyms for the noun will are:indecisionindifferencecoercioncompulsionSome antonyms for the verb will are:declinerefuserejecthesitatevacillatewill not
There are no exact antonyms in the English language for the word Circumnavigate.
Antonyms: fine point, perfection, or strength
Keep and keep together are antonyms of allocate.
Some antonyms of the word affidavit is denial, veto, and negation.
synonyms: last hurrah last leg (negative connotation) antonyms: beginning start