psycho physiological disorder is now a days called psychosomatic disorders.somatic means bodily disorders.
According to DAVIDSON AND NEAL E"when the underlying emotional difficulties are expressed through bodily systems innervated by autonomic systems the resulting conditions are called psycho physiological disorders."
types of psycho physiological disorders are: disorders:eczema pruritis(itching),hyperhydrosis,neurodermatosis.
2.muskuloskeletal disorders:back ache,head ache,muscle cramp
3.respiratory disorders:hyperventilation,hiccups bronchits,bronchail asthama,sighing.
4.gastrointestinal disorders:chronic gastritis,peptic ulcers,acidity,constipation,heart burn.
5.cardivascular disorders:hypertension,heart attack,paroxysmal tachyar,vascular spasm.
6.hemic and lymphatic disorders:disturbances in blood and lymphatic.
7.genitourinary disorders:mensturation,urination,dyspareunia(painful sexual intercourse),impotence
8.endocrine disorders:malfunctioning in various endocrine glands, as hyperthyroidism,obesity.
9.disorders in organs of special senses:disturbances in sensory organs
10.disorders of other types:disturbances in nervous system such as multiple sclerosis
i think this must be sufficient enough.....
Multiple Personalities Disorders!
Doctors who diagnosis psychological disorders and treat them by means of psychotherapy.
If you are talking about Substance Abuse Disorder...not sure if you are being specific to this, but if you are the disorder is not listed in the DSM-IV, therefore there is no criteria, etc. that this disorders exists? Maybe if you have more specifics.
BASC 2 stands for the Basic Assessment System for Children, Second Edition. It is a diagnostic tool for children's disorders.
The abbreviation for attention deficit disorder is ADD. Additionally, the abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is ADHD. These disorders are closely related.
It appears that all diseases have psychological components
A psychophysiological disorder is a physical illness or condition that is influenced by psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, or emotional trauma. These disorders involve a complex interaction between the mind and body, with symptoms that can be triggered or worsened by psychological distress. Treatment often involves addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of the disorder.
Psychophysiological insomnia is excessive worrying about whether or not a person will be able to fall asleep, which creates so much anxiety that the person's bedtime rituals and behavior trigger insomnia.
psychophysiological illnesses
psychophysiological - conditions/ stress responses that have both mind and body components
Peter Henry Venables has written: 'A manual of psychophysiological methods'
Another name for biofeedback is applied psychophysiology.
Physiological mechanisms underlying a trade-off between growth rate and tolerance of feed deprivation in the European sea bass
Most states do not accept psychophysiological veracity (PV) examination (polygraph) results in a civil court cases
Anxiety disorders and mood disorders aren't the same. Mood disorders include all affective disorders including anxiety disorders.
It depends on what kind of disorders you're talking about. There are mental disorders, muscle disorders, organ disorders, etc. But disorders in general, probably hundreds.
The three main types of learning disorders are reading disorders, mathematics disorders, and disorders of written expression.