Orthopedist is a word that contains a Greek root that means "straight or correct."
kinema - a thing which is moved.
Integrity comes from the Greek words integritas and integra meaning whole.
The Greek root word therm means heat.Common words that come from this root are "thermometer, theorem, thermal, thermos bottle, thermostat, and hypothermia." (Thanks to MSU.)
Ethnocentric, ethnology, and ethnicity
what is the greek root for homograph
The Greek root "thet" doesn't have a specific meaning on its own. In Greek, it is often combined with other roots or affixes to form words related to positioning or placement.
Some words containing the Greek root "faith" include confidence, fidelity, and infidel.
"Extracellular" is the term derived from the Greek root words meaning "other space" in biology. It refers to the space outside of a cell where various biological processes and interactions take place.
The Greek root word for "other space" is "heterotopia."
Some other words with the Greek root "gno" or "kno" include "gnosis" (knowledge), "agnostic" (one who believes knowledge of a higher power is unknown or unknowable), and "diagnose" (to identify a medical condition through analysis).
Some words with the Greek root "thesis" include thesis, synthesis, antithesis, hypothesis, and prothesis.
The Greek root of "atmos" is "atmo," meaning vapor or steam. This root is commonly used in words related to the atmosphere or air.
Protozoa has two root words, proto which is Greek for "first" and zoa which is Greek for "animal".