bled head shed
Hive Dive Live
Three of them are colors: silver, purple, and orange.The fourth word is month.There are plenty of other English words that don't rhyme (i.e., angst, scalp, twelfth, depth, width) but these four are by far the most common non-rhyming English words.
Quit, grit, knit, skit, slit, whit, and writ.
External rhyme is rhyme that happens on the "outside" of the poem. In other words, the words at the end of the lines rhyme.
Calf, gaff,
bled head shed
Hive Dive Live
4 letter words rhyming with 'down':GownNounTown
The first four lines of the prologue rhyme the words "dignity", "scene", "mutiny" and "unclean".
Purple Month Silver Orange
No. The word "in" does not rhyme with out.Examples of words that rhyme with out:AboutBoutCloutDoubtFloutGoutGroutLoutPoutRoutShoutSnoutStoutToutTroutExamples of words that rhyme with in:BinDinFinGinHenMenSinTenTinWhenWenWinYenYinZen
One four letter animal that does not rhyme with any words is wolf.
Three of them are colors: silver, purple, and orange.The fourth word is month.There are plenty of other English words that don't rhyme (i.e., angst, scalp, twelfth, depth, width) but these four are by far the most common non-rhyming English words.
Carp Harp Parp Yurp Nurp Karp