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* late * lame * lace * laid * lair * last * lull * land * lazy * lamp * lard * lazy * leek * lest * leak * left * lend * lent * lewd * live * lice * lift * lime * link * line * lied * life * loaf * loan * lone * lips * list * lite * like * look * loom * lord * loon * loop * loot * lost * lock * load * loan * lose * love * lurk * lust * lube * lude * luge * lump * limp * lure * luck

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15y ago
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9y ago
Answerfour (4) letter word:

leal. loll. lull.

five (5) letter word:

label. lapel. legal. level. libel. local. loyal.

six (6) letter word:

labial. lapful. larval. laurel. lawful. lentil. lethal. lienal. lineal. lintel. luteal.

seven (7) letter word:

lacteal. laminal. lateral. lexical. liberal. lingual. literal. litoral. logical. logroll. lorchel. lowball. lugsail. luminal. lustful. lyrical.

eight (8) letter word:

lambkill. landfall. landfill. lenticel. linalool. littoral. longwool.

nine (9) letter word:

lampshell. laryngeal. libidinal. liverpool. lucifugal.

ten (10) letter word:

liturgical. lumbermill.

eleven (11) letter word:

latitudinal. lumbosacral.

twelve (12) letter word:

limnological. longitudinal.

  • lackadaisical
  • logistical
  • longitudinal
  • linen

Words that begin and end with the letter l:

  • label
  • lackadaisical
  • landfall
  • landfill
  • lapel
  • lapful
  • lateral
  • latitudinal
  • laurel
  • lawful
  • legal
  • lentil
  • lethal
  • level
  • libel
  • liberal
  • lineal
  • lingual
  • literal
  • liturgical
  • local
  • locational
  • logical
  • logistical
  • logroll
  • longitudinal
  • lowball
  • loyal
  • lull
  • luminal
  • lungful
  • lustful
  • lyrical
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10y ago

Lab, label, lackadaisical, lad, ladder, lag, lame, lamp, lantern, lap, last, large, late, lavish, law, lawn, lax, lay, lazy, leaky, lean, led, left, leg, lenient, leopard, lesser, let, lethal, level, liable, lid, lie, light, like, likeable, lilac, lily, limp, linear, lint, lion, little, live, livid, lively, lob, local, locket, locomotive, lofty, log, lollipop, long, loony, loose, lordly, lost, lot, loud, loveable, lovely, loving, low, loyal, lucky, luggage, lumpy, lush and lute are words. They begin with the letter L.

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15y ago

L words: * nouns - loop, lion, lemonade, lollipop, licorice, lamp, light, * verbs - lose, let, link, list, laminate, look, like, laugh, lick * adjectives - lovely, loose, limber, lucious, lengthy, lethargic * adverbs - longingly, lastly, lately, listlessly, loathingly

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17y ago

lamp, lunch,leg,lever,lump,larriet, lion,and many more.

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11y ago

Ladders, ladle, ladybug and lakes are things that begin with the letter L. Other things include laundry, leaf, lectern and leopard.

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