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Examples of common gender nouns are:

man, woman

mother, father

uncle, aunt

girl, boy

husband, wife

brother, sister

boar, sow

doe, buck

bull, cow

hen, rooster

stallion, mare

nanny goat, billy goat

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12y ago
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9y ago

A common gender noun is a word for a person or a thing that can be a male or a female. Examples:

  • adult
  • baby
  • camel
  • dentist
  • elephant
  • fish
  • guest
  • human
  • inmate
  • jockey
  • kid
  • llama
  • monkey
  • neighbor
  • operator
  • people
  • qualifier
  • robin
  • snake
  • tortoise
  • undertaker
  • visitor
  • writer
  • x-ray technician
  • youngster
  • zoologist
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10y ago

A common gender noun is a word for a person or animal that can be male or female. Examples are:

  • accountant
  • bureaucrat
  • butcher
  • cab driver
  • cat
  • chemist
  • chicken
  • child
  • customer
  • dentist
  • dog
  • friend
  • frog
  • giraffe
  • horse
  • manager
  • musician
  • parent
  • patient
  • person
  • pianist
  • pigeon
  • teacher
  • turkey
  • whale
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11y ago

A common is a general word for any person, place, or thing.

Gender nouns for a male are:

  • father
  • son
  • king
  • uncle
  • stallion
  • ram
Gender nouns for a female are:
  • sister
  • aunt
  • grandmother
  • princess
  • mare
  • ewe
Common gender nouns are (a noun that can be a male or a female):
  • parent
  • neighbor
  • friend
  • teacher
  • horse
  • goat
Neuter nouns are (a noun that has no gender):
  • hat
  • hair
  • rock
  • race
  • door
  • car
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What is the difference between common gender and neuter gender in English grammar?

A common gender noun is a word for a person or animal that can be either male or female; for example:common gender: person (gender nouns male or female, mother or father, man or worman)common gender: horse (gender nouns stallion or mare)common gender: pig (gender nouns boar or sow)General common gender nouns for people or animals that have no male or female noun are:partnerdoctorteacherteamherdflockNeuter gender nouns are words for things that have no gender; examples are:housechairskycarshoesfrost

What is masculine and feminine genders in English?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.Some examples of nouns for a male:manfathersonunclebrotherbullcockbuckboarganderSome examples of nouns for a female:womanmotherdaughterauntsistercowhendoesowgooseAnother group is the common gender nouns, words that are for a male or a female; for example:personparentrelativesiblingfriendneighborhorsedogbearbuffalo

What is common gender nouns of duke?

Some common gender nouns (synonyms) for the noun duke are:aristocratnobilityroyaltyblue blood

How many kinds of gender are there?

There are four genders of nouns: 1-gender specific nouns for a male 2-gender specific nouns for a female 3-common gender nouns,; nouns that can be a male or a female 4-neuter nouns; nouns for things that have no gender

Give examples of feminine and masculine nouns?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female. Some examples of gender nouns for a female are:auntbridecowdaughterdoeduchessempressewefemalegirlgrandmotherhenhindhostessjennyladyleopardesslionessmadammarematronmissmistressmothermother-in-lawnannyniecenunpeahenpenprincessqueensistersowtigressvixenwaitresswidowwifewoman

Related questions

What are some more examples of gender nouns?

Examples of gender nouns for males:fathersonunclebrothermankingmanboarbuckbullramroosterExamples of gender nouns for females:motherdaughterauntsisterwomanqueensowdoecowewehenExamples of common gender nouns:parentchildrelativesiblingpersonneighborfriendbirddeersheephorsecatExamples of neuter gender nouns:anchorballchairdooreducationfacegearharpicejokekitelunch

What are common examples of common and neuter?

Common gender nouns are words for someone or something that can be either male or female. Examples:parentfriendneighborteacherdoctorNeuter gender nouns are words for something that has no gender. Examples:housetrainboatshoebottle

Give you example of gender of noun?

Examples of nouns for a male:boyfatherkingunclestallionroosterExamples of nouns for a female: sistermotherqueenniecemarehenExamples of common gender nouns: accountantparentneighborrelativehorsepoultryExamples of neuter nouns: addressboatchairdreameducationfudge

What is a common gender and example of common gender?

Common gender nouns are words for people or animals that can be either male or female. Examples of common gender nouns are:acrobatanthropologistarcherartistbabybarberbartenderbeauticianbutchercattlecharacterchildclowncriminalcustomerdeandeerdentistdesignerdoctoreditoreducatorengineerequestrianEuropeanfanfarmerfloristfriendfroghairdresserherohorsehumanice skaterichthyologisticonidiotjournalistjudgejugglerjurorkangarookleptomaniacknow-it-allkoalaleaderlecturerlife guardloan officerlovermerchantminerminormissionarymonkeymovie starnarcissistneighbornewtnightingaleofficeroffspringorioleorangutanostrichparentpartnerpersonpharmacistphysicianpilotquailrancherresearcherriderrulersecretarysenatorsiblingswanteachertellertherapisttouristtruck driverundertakervictorvillainvirtuosovisitorwalrusworkerwrenwriteryodeleryoungsterzealotzebrazoologist

What are examples of gender nouns?

Examples of gender specific nouns are:auntbullkingmotherrooster

What is the difference between common gender and neuter gender in English grammar?

A common gender noun is a word for a person or animal that can be either male or female; for example:common gender: person (gender nouns male or female, mother or father, man or worman)common gender: horse (gender nouns stallion or mare)common gender: pig (gender nouns boar or sow)General common gender nouns for people or animals that have no male or female noun are:partnerdoctorteacherteamherdflockNeuter gender nouns are words for things that have no gender; examples are:housechairskycarshoesfrost

What is Number of a Noun and gender of a Noun?

The number for nouns is singular or plural. Some examples of singular and plural forms:orange, orangesneighbor, neighborstooth, teethknife, knivesman, menThe gender for nouns is the word for a male, a female, a person or thing of either gender (a common gender noun), or a thing that has no gender (a neuter noun). Some examples for nouns indicating gender:man, womanmother, fatheruncle, auntgirl, boyhusband, wifeboar, sowSome examples for nouns with common gender:teacherchildparentfriendworkerhorseSome examples for neuter gender nouns:housestreetlunchquestioneducationcountry

What are some examples of common gender?

personExamples of common gender nouns are house, school, bag, toy, doll, bird, paper, books, cat, parents, school, and snake.Here is a couple of common gender nouns...StudentPersonParentsChildFriend

What is masculine and feminine genders in English?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.Some examples of nouns for a male:manfathersonunclebrotherbullcockbuckboarganderSome examples of nouns for a female:womanmotherdaughterauntsistercowhendoesowgooseAnother group is the common gender nouns, words that are for a male or a female; for example:personparentrelativesiblingfriendneighborhorsedogbearbuffalo

Is there such a thing as an indefinite noun gender?

Yes, those noun are referred to as common gender nouns, words for things that can be either a male or a female. Examples of common gender nouns:birdcousinfriendhorsekangaroomanagerneighborparentrelativesurgeonteacherzoologist

What are some examples of gender-specific nouns?

Examples of gender specific for nouns for male & female are:father & motherking & queenman & womanbrother & sisteruncle & auntboar & sowrooster & henbull & cowlion & lionessram & ewe

What does no gender specific nouns mean?

A 'gender specific noun' is a noun for a male, a female, or a thing. A 'non-gender specific noun', also called a common gender noun is a word for something that can be either male or female. Examples: Gender specific nouns: nouns for a male: man, father, brother, uncle, king, stallion nouns for a female: queen, daughter, wife, niece, doe, hen nouns for things that have no gender: house, plane, bicycle, hamburger, planet, water non-gender specific nouns: common gender nouns: parent, friend, teacher, doctor, neighbor, manager