Asunder. It has the words "as" and "under", so it is made up of two individual words, making it a compound word.
compound words beginning with play: * playground * playpen * playbill * playtime * playhouse * playmate * playroom * playwright * playback * playhouse * playboy * playgoer * plaything
Some words ending with IND are:behindbindblindfindgrindhindkindmindrescindrindtamarindwind
Some words ending in 'ics' are:athleticsballisticscriticsdomesticselasticsfabricsgraphicshieroglyphicsitalicskineticslinguisticsmathematicsneuroticsorthodonticsparamedicsquadriplegicsrelicsskepticsticsultrasonicsworkaholics
-blacksmith-goldsmith-gunsmith-locksmith-silversmith-tinsmith;;are all compound words ending in -smith
Compound words ending in line: airline, beeline, outline, underline,timberline,hairline, waistline
Compound words ending with belly: beer belly, pot belly
Here are some compound words ending in "star": superstar, lodestar, daystar, and filmstar.
Some compound words ending with "load" include: Overload Upload Download Payload
Compound words with sand:SandbagSandbankSandbarSandblastSandboxSandburgSandcastleSandhogSandlotSandlotterSandmanSandmenSandpaperSandpiperSandpitSandstoneSandstormSandwichCompound words ending with sand:Quicksand
Some compound words ending with 'town' are:boomtowncrosstowndowntownhometownmidtownMotownshantytownuptown
wildfire and housefire.