According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, some synonyms for the word extraneous are: accidental, adventitious, alien, external, foreign, and supervenient.
Synonyms are words that mean the same or almost the same thing. Some synonyms for the term "not important" would be: irrelevant, extraneous, inapplicable, unrelated.
5 synonyms of 'evaluate' would be: -assess -judge -appraise -assay -gauge
SYNONYMS: uninteresting, arid, monotonous, stupid, unexciting ANTONYMS: exciting, fascinating, interesting, absorbing, engrossing
the five pair
Note that although there are lots of synonyms for good, they all have some particular shade of meanging that may not be precisely the same as good. Synonyms include: excellent, wonderful, great, terrific, delightful, virtuous, beneficial, nice.
Strange, foreign, alien, outside, and extrinsic are all synonyms for extrinsic.
extraneous " not pertinent; irrelevant: an extraneous remark; extraneous decoration."
Synonyms are words that mean the same or almost the same thing. Some synonyms for the term "not important" would be: irrelevant, extraneous, inapplicable, unrelated.
During the long, boring lecture, most people agreed that much of the information was extraneous.
Extraneous means 'coming from the outside'.
The answer would probably be either -3 or 5
The crowd's not entirely silent, but there's not too much extraneous talking.
Some synonyms for proverbs:adagebywordclichedictummaximsaying
5 synonyms of 'evaluate' would be: -assess -judge -appraise -assay -gauge
Check this Wiki category and you'll find many synonyms.
One handy way to dodge a difficult question is to earnestly begin talking about something extraneous to it.
No. Sometimes they are both extraneous.