

Best Answer

White is bright, pristine and bold.

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Q: What are 3 adjectives for the color white?
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What is color full adjectives?

The adjective meaning full of color is colorful.

Can colors be an adjective?

Colors are adjectives because they describe the way something looks. If I saw a white kitten, I am describing the kitten with the adjective "white". Adjectives are words that describe nouns, so colors and numbers are both adjectives..

What are the two kinds of adjective There are three kinds of adjectives 1 Common adjectives 2 Demonstrative adjectives 3 Proper adjectives 1 Common adjectives are regular adjectives?

Yes, common and regular adjectives are the same.

What are the two kinds of adjectives?

There are three kinds of adjectives:1. Common adjectives 2. Demonstrative adjectives 3. Proper adjectives1. Common adjectives are regular skies, hairy dog, young man2. Demonstrative adjectives always answer the question "Which One?".That, these, this and those are demonstrative adjectives which answers the question, "Which One".I want those shoes. Don't stare at that man. This test was easy.3. Proper adjectives are always capitalized because they describe a proper noun.Italian is the proper adjective of Italy, Mexicanis the proper adjective of Mexico

What are two adjectives that describe John Jacob Astor?

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