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Q: What Of This Goldfish Would You Wish?
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Which is a more famous wish-granting creature in US - Goldfish - or genie?

Um...I don't know where you got the goldfish idea. Maybe you have a wish granting goldfish in your house? But genies are definitely more famous.

Will Rudd eat goldfish or orfe?

They will all eat one anothers young but adults should get along OK. I do not understand why you would wish to keep wild Rudd in with domesticated Goldfish and Orf though.

What would you call a black goldfish?

I would name my black goldfish Fin

What are the top ten goldfish?

Out of all the different varieties of goldfish the top pond goldfish would be the koi, the top goldfish probably of all time would be the common goldfish, and the top fancy goldfish would be the Oranda. The second most common pond goldfish would probably be the Comet, the second for the common varieties of goldfish would be the Fantail, and the second most popular fancy goldfish would be the ryukin. The third most common pond goldfish would be the Shubunkin, the third for the common goldfish varieties would be the black moor(although this technically counts as "fancy"), and the third for the fancy goldfish would probably be the Celestial and the Ranchu.To make this data more clear I've organized it into a list:1. Common goldfish2. Koi3. Oranda4. Fantail5. Comet6. Ryukin7. Black Moor8. Shubunkin9. Celestial10. Ranchu

What s the Correct name of the mottled gold and orange and black and white goldfish?

There is no correct name. They are all goldfish. Whatever "Fancy Name" you wish to give it is up to you.

What food should eat a goldfish?

I am guessing you have your word order a bit mixed up and wish to know what food to feed to a Goldfish. There are many brands of Goldfish food available at most pet shops. Most of them are OK. but I would advise you to also give the fish a treat occasionally by giving them some earthworms or other live food.

Can you mix goldfish with shubunkins?

Shubunkins are goldfish, so therefore mixing goldfish with goldfish is usually not a problem. However, if the other goldfish are fancy then mixing them together would not be recommended.

Why would a goldfish lay down?

I'm sorry, but your goldfish is dead....

Can goldfish live with tadpols in a garden pond?

no the goldfish would it the tadpole

What do goldfish need to lay their eggs?

goldfish need to lay eggs. Because if they don't no goldfish would be alive and would not be any more so they would become gone forever.

Would a Senegal Bichir do well in a tank with Goldfish?

Absolutely not. Goldfish belong with goldfish, and not with a bichir in any way.

What are some basic breeds of goldfish?

there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.