adjective is the words that describe a noun or a pronoun, and an example of an adjective is beautiful ex sentence The beautiful girl is sitting next to me.
Ajectives, beginning with F, you can use to describe Foxes. Try "Foxy Foxes" or "Fine Foxes" !
One word that starts with "F" that describes a leader is Fair.
Three adjectives that describe a personality are unstable, creepy, abnormal.
No, it is a noun, it is often confused as an adjective so i wouldn't give you an F
An Adjective starting with the letter 'N' to describe jewelry is, nice.EXAMPLE: The nice jewelry was on sale.
adjective is the words that describe a noun or a pronoun, and an example of an adjective is beautiful ex sentence The beautiful girl is sitting next to me.
Ajectives, beginning with F, you can use to describe Foxes. Try "Foxy Foxes" or "Fine Foxes" !
fly away home
· ambitious · fearless
· feisty · fickle · finicky · forgetful · funny
One word that starts with "F" that describes a leader is Fair.