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For a welcome speech for an annual school day, start by welcoming everyone. Introduce the officials and other important people in attendance. Then, thank everyone for attending.

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Q: Welcome speech for school annual day celebrations in kannada?
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Good evening everyone, On behalf of the school administration, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests, parents, teachers, and students gathered here today for our annual function. This event is a celebration of the hard work, talent, and achievements of our students throughout the year. We hope you enjoy the performances, exhibitions, and various activities lined up and feel the true spirit of our school community. Thank you for joining us tonight and for your continuous support. Let the festivities begin!

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You wouldn't say "welcome to your school" but "welcome to our school." Karibu shuleni kwetu. Or, to more than one person, karibuni shuleni kwetu.

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To start a welcome anchoring in a school annual function, you can begin by greeting the audience and introducing yourself. Then, you can talk about the significance of the event and thank everyone for attending. You can also set the tone for the event by creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

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What is an example of a welcome speech for school annual day celebrations?

Firstly greetings, Secondly, introduction about self. thridly the subject matter.. Example, A very warm good evening to all the wonderful people present today... Its pleasure to start this auspicious occasion by heartily welcoming every body.. I heartly welcome our Honorable Chief guest, Our Principal, Dear Teachers, and my fellow- friends... Its wonderful to see sucj amazing gathering once in a happy year.. today we all have gatherd here for the annual day celebration.. I wel-come everybody with all my pleasant greetings, and I wish the celebration makes you smile and cheer you up with full of joy and entertainment.. Thankyou

What is the good introduction of speech about a school annual function?

"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and our beloved students, a very warm welcome to our school's annual function. Today, we gather to celebrate the culmination of a year's worth of hard work, dedication, and talent displayed by our students. This evening promises to be a showcase of creativity, skill, and camaraderie, reflecting the spirit of our school community."