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As tired as Jen was, she needed to finish her report for the following day.

Tiredness overcame Ben as he was running for the ball.

Tired, are we? The teacher said to the boy who was sleeping in class.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Weary means tired as in the sentence below.

"That noise is making me weary."

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14y ago

fatigue - weariness

The athlete felt fatigue after running 10 miles.

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7y ago

The cast had wearily rehearsed the new scene the night before.

The professor was wearily grading some papers when the tornado warning sounded.

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10y ago

The weariness of working so many hours had finally got to him.

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9y ago

We continued wearily on our way because we did not want to spend money on a hotel.

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How do you use weary in a sentence?

This is the plural of to weary. Here are some sentences.She wearies of her struggle.He wearies of correcting sentences.She wearies from hard work.

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What is another word for the word boredom?

Synonyms for the noun boredom are tedium, ennui, weariness, or dullness.

How do you change weary into an abstract noun?

The noun form of the adjective 'weary' is weariness. The noun 'weariness' is an abstract on concrete noun depending on the context in which it is used.The noun weariness is an abstract noun as a word for a dull and listless state of mind; reluctance to see or experience any more of something.The noun weariness is a concrete noun as a word for temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical work.

What does Leya mean?

The word leya isnÕt a valid word. The name Leah which is the same pronunciation as the word leya, means weary or weariness and it comes from the Hebrew origin.

What are synonyms for boredom?

tedium, apathy, weariness, monotony, sameness, ennui, flatness, world-weariness

What is the abstract noun for weary?

The abstract noun form for the adjective weary is weariness.

What 5 letter word starting with the letter e 3rd letter n 5th letter i and the clue is world-weariness?


Is weak or weariness an abstract noun?

Weak is an adjective, and the related abstract noun is weakness. Weariness is an abstract noun (the adjective is weary).