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the doctor tried to revive the patient that is injured

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

One of my favorite bands is named "Credence Clearwater Revival".

I was quite relieved at the drowning victim's revival.

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Q: Use revive in a sentence
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How do you use the word revive in a sentence?

The nurse tried to revive her from unconsciousness.

What is a sentence for revive?

People can revive people with C.P.R.

Use the word revive in a sentence?

The life guard had to revive the swimmer. The nurse revived me after I passed out. I revived the person by using CPR. I was lucky the doctor revived my dog or she would have died.

What is a sentence for revitalize?

you can revive in the home

What sentence for revive?

Without funds, the agency could not revive the program.CPR is used to revive a person who has no heartbeat or respirations.I hope we can revive our friendship.

How do use CPR in a sentence?

Try as he might, the lifeguard could not give enough cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to revive the drowned swimmer.

What drug did they use to revive mia marcellos on pulp fiction?

They use Adrenaline to revive Mia Wallace

How do you use rejuvenating in a sentence?

i needed to take a quick nap to rejuvente my body

What Death Sentence in FF7?

it is a special skill that some enemys use that puts a counter on your character. no cure you just have to wait it out and revive him afterward

How do you use resuscitate?

Same as revive

What is a sentence using the word drooping?

Just a bit of water will revive your drooping houseplants.

How do you revive noir lime im plasma burst 2?

To revive Noir Lime you must buy and use Defilbrillator in your weapon shop to revive Noir Lime.