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There is no better soporific and sedative than skepticism.-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Because he had watched so many movies the night before, Joey was soporific the next day during school.

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Q: Soporific in a sentence
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What is a sentence with soporfic in it?

The soporific effects of the medication helped me finally fall asleep after a restless night.

What is a compound sentence with soporific in it?

The movie was so boring, it had a soporific effect on the audience, and many people dozed off during the screening.

How do you use the word soporific?

The professor had a soporific voice and I fell asleep. Here it is used as an adjective, meaning the soporific voice made me sleepy.

Can you Give me a sentence with the word heat?

The heat from the log-fire was rather soporific, and my eyes began to feel heavy.

What does soporific have in common with liquid ammonium?

Both soporific and liquid ammonium can induce drowsiness or sleepiness. Soporific refers to a substance that causes sleep, while liquid ammonium, specifically ammonium hydroxide, can be harmful if inhaled and may cause drowsiness, among other health effects.

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What is the meaning of soporific?

Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep; soporiferous; as, the soporific virtues of opium., A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.

What do you call a liquid that makes you sleep?

Chloroform or Ether. ========================== Soporific Anesthetic

What are synonyms for anaesthetic?

painkiller, narcotic, sedative, opiate, anodyne, analgesic, soporific

How do you use the word sedative in a sentence?

sop·o·rif·icsop·o·rif·ic [sòppə ríffik, spə ríffik]adj1.making somebody sleepy: causing sleep or drowsiness2.feeling sleepy: experiencing sleepiness or drowsiness3.tedious: dull and boringThe book he was reading acted as a soporific and soon he was fast asleep.

What would a soporific drug make you do?

Soporifics make you sleep or at least get drowsy.

Jake's speaking style put most of the older delegates to sleep within 15 minutes?
