No. The seasons are not capitalized unless they are included in a title.
based on Fowler's "modern English usage" --
The official grammatical answer is:
When a season-word [ summer, fall ] is used as a noun, its usage makes it a proper noun, that is a "name" for a time period, like "the Bronze Age" is a name used to name a time period. So, in the sentence "I will return to school in the Fall," the season word is the name (by definition all names are proper nouns in English) of that period of time, and so it is capitalized.
But season-words are also used as adjectives. "The summer line of sun dresses." Or, "the winter movie schedule." Since in this situation the season words are not nouns -- they are adjectives which modify nouns -- they cannot be Proper nouns; they are no longer names. And so should not be capitalized.
But the unofficial "what people actually do" answer is:
In typical written English, people are tending to avoid capitalization. Newspapers and publishers prefer things simple as well. So the trend is not to capitalize season words, especially as readers understand the meaning either way. And when usage changes, the official grammatical answer does too -- eventually.
Yes, it should be---- Licensed Practical Nursi ng School.
If you use the specific full name of the club then, yes, it should be capitalized.
Yes, becauseit is a proper n ou n. Example: Lourdes School of Makati Harvard University
Sunday is always capitalized because it is a propernoun but school isnot since it is a commonnoun.It should be--- Sunday schoolHowever, if the word school is part of the propernoun, then it should be capitalized.Example:Mynephew goes toSmart Kids Sunday School.
It depends on the context. If you were to use it like: "I am in the wrong school district." then it would not. But if you said: "School District 957 needs to be widened." then it would. So if it is a title, yes; and if it is just a noun, no.
Yes, you always capitalize the names of seasons!
Yes, it should be---- Licensed Practical Nursi ng School.
Yes, "graduate school" should be capitalized when referring to a specific program or institution within a sentence, just like any other proper noun. For example: "I am considering applying to Graduate School A next semester."
No. School district is not a proper and should only be capitalized when placed at the beginning of a sentence, such as this one.
In general, it is not necessary to capitalize "school of medicine" unless it is part of a proper noun like "Harvard Medical School."
Depends on the school, but generally its Fall.
A semester is a term usually referring to a length of a school program. A semester is half of a school year usually around 16 weeks.
No, "north high school" is not capitalized unless it is part of the school's full name or a proper noun.
First semester is usually from when school starts to Christmas break, and then rest of the year is the second semester. Also two 9 week periods if your school does that.
Yes, if it's part of the name. "I attend the Hawthorne School." If the word "school" is not used as a proper noun, then don't capitalize it. "I will be late for school today."
Spring semester varies from one school system to another. To find out when spring semester ends, look on your school's calendar, ask your teacher, or call the school or central office.