This is how you spell the number 4: four. You should always write out this number as a word if you plan to use it at the beginning of a sentence, such as, "Four hours have passed since sundown!"
In most dictionaries, it is antidisestablishmentarianism. There is a longer word that is not an actual word but the plural of a medical term: hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies, having thirty nine (39) letters in it. The definition of this word is surgical creations of a connection in the gall bladder.
I whip my hair back and forth because i try to implore it.
The behavior of the fourth period class was appalling on Friday.
The word "be" is the fourth word in this sentence.
i wrote a sentence containing forth and fourth.
The homophone for the word "fourth" is "forth."
This is how you spell the number 4: four. You should always write out this number as a word if you plan to use it at the beginning of a sentence, such as, "Four hours have passed since sundown!"
forth-go forth and spread the word
He finished fourth in the race and then moved forth towards the finish line.
We nextsally forth to thatfourth hedgerow, boys. Weanxiously awaitthe fourth fabulously fetching farrier to finally come forth fromthe area of the Firth of Forth.
There is not a fourth word.
The team will go forth into the postseason in fourth place, having missed an opportunity to move up.
He came in fourth place.
"Fourth" could be homophones with "forth" and "fourth."
Forth, North,forth northA word that rhymes with warmth is forth or fourth