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A pedestrian.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: Person who is walking?
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Related questions

What do you call a person who is walking?

A person who is walking is a pedestrian.

Who will get wetter the person running or walking?

The person running would get more wetter then the person walking as you will be catching more rain than walking because you are running into more rain than if you were walking through it, but it does depend on the distance you are running or walking

What does it mean when you dream a dog drops dead suddenly when walking with person?

it means that the person you are walking with is not the right person for you.

Why is there a person walking up the stairs on the side of the pyramid?

That person is there to show that you should exercise. No the person is not walking up to the sweets usually are labeled at the top. (:

What does the person walking though the gnats represent?

The person walking though the gnats represents a number of things. This could represent a person with a lot of patience.

What is as slow as a cow?

a person walking

What is a walking person called?

A pedestrian?

What is the difference between a person walking and a person driving?

The cost of gas

How many calorie burned when walking 3.6miles?

Varies from person to person

What is the word that means a person walking along the street?

Peripatetic ( walking about) is sometimes used to mean changing location frequently. A person who cannot sit still is called a jitterbug.

What you call a person who has an answer to everything?

"walking encyclopedia"

What is a person who's walking called?
