A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.
An abstract noun a word for something that can't be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. An abstract noun is a word for something that is known, learned, thought, understood, or felt emotionally.
Some examples of abstract nouns are: hope, justice, terror, yesterday, education.
Some nouns are both abstract and concrete.
The noun edge is a concrete or an abstract noun, depending on use.
Concrete: The sharp side of a blade or a tool; the outside perimeter of a thing; a word for a physical thing.
Abstract: as a word for an advantage; a word for a concept.
The noun football is a concrete or an abstract noun, depending on use.
Concrete: A ball used in the game of football; a physical object.
Abstract: The game of football; a combination of people, rules, equipment, action, etc. that make up the game or sport; an abstract concept.
Some concrete nouns can be used as an abstract idea.
For example, the noun 'road' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical thing, but can be used in an abstract context, for example in the expression 'the road to ruin', the road is not a physical road, it's an idea for a direction or route.
adjective: agile
abstract noun: agility
adjective: brave
abstract noun: bravery
adjective: clever
abstract noun: cleverness
adjective: dependent
abstract noun: dependence
adjective: eccentric
abstract noun: eccentricity
adjective: favorite
abstract noun: favoritism
adjective: gentle
abstract noun: gentility
adjective: happy
abstract noun: happiness
adjective: objective
abstract noun: objectivity
adjective: true
abstract noun: truth
Some abstract nouns with M and A are:ambiguityanimositycamaraderiedemocracydramagrammarimaginationlimitationmagicmanners
Some abstract nouns that end with the suffix 'dom' are:freedomwisdomboredomstardomSome abstract nouns that end with the suffix 'ship' are: friendshiprelationshipworshipcitizenship
Idea nouns are abstract nouns, names for specific persons, places, things, or titles. Examples:agonybargaincheerdogmaeducationfungratitudehopeignorancejoyknowledgelovemadnessnatureorganizationpityquestionragestrengthtrust
Some common nouns that start with 'i' are:ibexibisiceiconideaidentityidolimaginationimpinchinformationinkinninsightinspirationinventioninundationionirisironironyislandisolationissueisthmusitem
The same articles are used for abstract nouns as for concrete nouns. Examples:the theorya brainstorman accident
Abstract nouns:educationtroubleConcrete nouns: elevatortree
Abstract nouns are sometimes called 'special nouns' or 'idea nouns'.
Both love and hate are abstract nouns.
Some abstract nouns with M and A are:ambiguityanimositycamaraderiedemocracydramagrammarimaginationlimitationmagicmanners
Some abstract nouns that end with the suffix 'dom' are:freedomwisdomboredomstardomSome abstract nouns that end with the suffix 'ship' are: friendshiprelationshipworshipcitizenship
Idea nouns are abstract nouns, names for specific persons, places, things, or titles. Examples:agonybargaincheerdogmaeducationfungratitudehopeignorancejoyknowledgelovemadnessnatureorganizationpityquestionragestrengthtrust
nouns is a person or thing and others
Some common nouns that start with 'i' are:ibexibisiceiconideaidentityidolimaginationimpinchinformationinkinninsightinspirationinventioninundationionirisironironyislandisolationissueisthmusitem
The same articles are used for abstract nouns as for concrete nouns. Examples:the theorya brainstorman accident
Examples of abstract nouns that start with D are:dangerdaredestinydignitydiplomacydismissaldoomdramadreaddreamdrudgeryduty
Examples of abstract nouns that begin with the letter 'u' are:ubiquityuglinessunderstandingunityunhappinessupheavalurgencyuseusefulnessusury
The abstract nouns for these concrete nouns are:motherhoodpriesthoodfriendship