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price level

rates of interest and taxes

expectations for future prices, money income and availability of goods

consumer indebtedness

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Q: Non-Income Determinants of Consumption and Saving?
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What are the objective and subjective determinants of consumption?

Objective determinants of consumption include factors such as income, prices, and interest rates that impact how much individuals can afford to spend. Subjective determinants of consumption involve personal preferences, tastes, and attitudes towards saving and spending that influence consumer behavior. Both types of determinants interact to shape overall consumption levels in an economy.

Find out about the objective and subjective determinants consumption?

subjective and objective determinants of consumption

What are the four determinants of aggregate demand?

They are : desired spending, autonomous consumption,induced consumption and desired private consumption.

What are the determinants of induced consumption in Keynesian model of a closed economy with a government sector?

Income and taxes

What Income not used for consumption is?


Name two non-income determinants of Consumption?

There are following non-income determinants 1.wealth 2.Expenditure 3.Investment 4.House-hold debts 5.Interest rate

What is income not used for consumption called?


What are the determinants of Consumption?

Incomes and prices are seen as consumption's two major determinants. The determinants are as follows 1) Current disposable income 2) Relative income 3) Life cycle income 4) Wealth 5) Price Level 6) Rate of Interest 7) Expected future income 8) Others: advertisement, social safety-net, availability or scarcity of loan, geographical location, weather etc.

What is Income not spent on current consumption or taxes is?


What do economists define saving as?

it's forgone consumption.

What has the author Jonathan A Parker written?

Jonathan A. Parker has written: 'Precautionary saving and consumption fluctuations' -- subject(s): Consumption (Economics), Econometric models, Mathematical models, Saving and investment

What is rationale saving decision?

According to the law of economics, Income is a function of savings and consumption. Saving decision by an individual helps to maintain resources for future consumption whenever he feels the demand to.