From those seven letters, a seven-letter word is carting
A six-letter word is acting
The shortest word using "abcdef" is the word "a." It is one of two one-letter words in the English language.
Need. Herd.
No, not if you are using the word trout alone.
Here is an example of a sentence using the word fill: You need to take the time to fill in the blanks.
Some 5 letter words that start with pel, not using rOBatd or I, are peles and pelfs.
There are no English words that meet the criteria, even when you repeat the letters (which you need to do to make five letters spell a six-letter word).
The nine letter word is nectarine.
Need a sentence using the word crater?
Assemble, baseless and beamless are 8 letter words. Masseuse, seamless and sublease are 8 letter words.
You need an answer using the word plumage.
There is no 8-letter word, but there are several 7-letter words:agnaticanticarcartingcratinggranitatracing
The word is desist.
The word is explode.
A nine letter word using those letters is boomerang.
there is no 9 letter word starting with e and using all of the letters. but the word unscrambled is FORGETFUL.
"Anted" is a five-letter word.